Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Routines can be great. They offer a tremendous amount of security. I get up in the morning and make coffee, then brush my teeth, get cleaned up and get dressed. Then I pour my first cup of coffee. That happens every morning. There is a rhythm to the entire process that comes automatically to me. There is no thinking about it or making any decisions about this first, that later, maybe this should be different. It all moves smoothly and easily. I've got it down perfectly.

Routines can sometimes get in the way. I need to change my afternoon routine. Coming home after work is another automatic reflex that I don't think too hard about. It comes easily. But I am questioning my use of that time. I would rather come home and turn that time into upstairs get busy on the work I can do there. Unfortunately, after spending the entire day hunched over my work laptop, I don't necessarily want to immediately sit in front of my own at home. So I need to change up my afternoon routine somehow. Give myself a break between work and home and then go do the things I want to do that keep swirling around in my head. The things that I would have more time to tackle during my free time after my day at work. It's a tough job to break habits, and to start habits. Or it isn't, once you have a idea of what and how. I need to put a real plan in place, like come home, allow 45 minutes to unwind (what is that, how do I do that)? and then go do the next thing. I obviously need to be more specific on the details but I need to figure it out. If it's important enough to me, I will decide what to do and give it a try.  Ah...but no. There is that quote I came across recently.

Do it or not. There is no try...Yoda

Smart guy.


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