Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pretty good

Let's start Wednesday, middle of the week, end of the month. If I had to give myself a grade for where I am and what I have done this week, I guess I would score a B+. Okay, maybe a B. But, really now, there are no grades that have to be given out or even thought about. I certainly don't want to have to score the flip side when weeks haven't gone so well. Let's agree to dismiss the scoring system. Good thought.

I've managed to run 3 miles each of the past two days and that feels pretty good. Monday was at the gym with the temperatures soaring and yesterday outside with at least 12 degrees cooler than the day before but pretty blustery. I would think it adds a little to the workout when I am battling inclines and force of wind. I'm pretty happy with myself about getting out there at all. I'm prepared for a run at the gym or outside today depending but like I said, feeling pretty good.

I am working my time to get around to pounding out more editing to my novella, Crossed Wires. After I managed to work the prologue into a chapter last Saturday, I'm going to repeat myself and say I'm feeling pretty good about that, too. It's amazing what focusing on the job at hand can do and I seem to be somewhere within the confines of that zone. You know, that place when I am working and not fretting. It makes a world of difference and it shows.

So, middle of the week, looking forward to a new month. Sounds pretty good to me.


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