Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yet another?!

Did I say something about cookies?  I got yet another order!
I'm not sure what the conspiracy is at the moment.  I don't know where these cravings for cookies are coming from lately.  I DO know that I received a call late yesterday afternoon from a lady that ordered 9 dozen cookies for Wednesday.
I was just arriving at a dinner directly after work for a 20 year anniversary with a co-worker.  We had just been seated when I got the phone call and excused myself and went to the lobby.  I wrote the entire cookie order, payment information, and delivery address on the inside page of my checkbook!  I then went back to dinner and apologized for being away.
I arrived home at about 7:30 and proceeded to bake.  Out came all the equipment and ingredients.  After the first two dozen I realized I was running out of sugar!  I did a quick check of other necessities, made a short list and headed to the store.  Back again at home I managed another batch and proceeded to clean up the kitchen and put away the product I had made.
This morning dawned early and I thought about using my time to print up labels but realized I needed a color cartridge for my printer.  I then decided to finish baking what was left of the 9 dozen order, which I did, and now have them cooling.  The kitchen is cleaned up again.  I will store the rest of the cookies for the day and only need to package and label them after work.  I can make the delivery during lunch tomorrow and it will be another order completed!
I was talking about cookies.  I was talking about my website for the cookies and how I needed to update.  The lady yesterday said I should be very happy with the person that designed my site because it was exactly what she was looking for.  I didn't tell her I did it myself but I took the positive feedback silently in my head.  Thanks...I'll pass on the compliment.
Now I really need to get organized when I get a moment from baking!


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