Thursday, August 22, 2013

And then

And then there is my writing...  When.

I will need to go back in Mr. Peabody's Way-Back Machine to see if I can figure out the exact moment I (finally) flipped that switch I needed to flip a long time ago.  You know.  That switch, the switch.  The one that needed to be flipped.  (I'm not trying to sound like Dr. Seuss, it's just coming out that way).  I'm talking about whatever it was that turned my thinking around about my writing.  I'd like to know exactly when that moment occurred.  Because I have managed to be feeling so much more confident and capable and I'd like to know when that moment happened.
Am I supposed to be feeling this good about it?  I'm suspicious but I don't think I need to be.  In fact, I'm not all that concerned about it at all.  Which is a good thing because I couldn't seem to make any progress when I was constantly concerned.
Somewhere, at some point recently, I realized how much fun I am actually having doing it.  Short pieces, longer pieces, some editing to old pieces and coming up with new ideas for new pieces is all coming together in a really good way.  Did I finally learn the Rules of Writing?  Have I been able to accept them for all they are and all they are not?  They are a tricky bunch if you are too weak or too fragile to stick with it.  I don't want to remember all the times I fell apart over a piece of fiction!

And now? Everything is good, it's fine.  It really is.  Good attitude.  Lot's of motivation to keep writing.  I'm feeling great and it's amazing.  My writing is showing that.

But, I wish I knew exactly when it happened.  Maybe I really should try to track down Sherman and Mr. Peabody.  Wouldn't that be a piece of fiction?


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