Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Nonsense or just too old

I have a month before I'm supposed to attend my 40 year High School Reunion.  I'm on the fence about going.  I've already paid my fee and filled out half the questionnaire they sent me.  I still go back and forth whether I will actually travel down south and attend.  Oh - and the half filled questionnaire - I filled out the first half which was information about myself and the second half was total H.S. nonsense asking what song was my favorite and the like.  I didn't fill that out.  I figure if I go and someone really wants to know, they can ask me.  Come on!  We graduated FORTY years ago!  Are we really interested in that?
This all started a few months ago when I received an e-mail from my younger brother.  He said a woman was searching for me on Facebook and said I was MIA from a high school gathering.  He gave me her information so I e-mailed her back.  She explained she was putting together a reunion and all the information was on a private page on Facebook.  I told her I deactivate that nonsense (that should have been a clue to the questionnaire).  She said it was a private page and I should go back to get the information.  Foolish me...I re-activated and I don't know why I thought it would only access the private page but it reopened the whole deal.  Luckily, for me, when I originally de-activated this social media nightmare I had turned off all notifications to my email.  If someone did or said something pertaining to me on that site I ddn't know about it (so couldn't care).  At least now I only get email updates from that private site, but oh bother!...that classmate from 40 years old that is organizing this reunion-is on the site commenting all the time!
I don't get the social media interest.  It all feels like the worst parts of high school where even your best friends ignore you or have some weird persona or worse, you end up with some weird persona (like I need help in that arena).  But's been 40 years since I graduated high school.  It could be that I've just gotten too old for too much nonsense.
Maybe attending the actual reunion might be a move in the right direction.  Talking to people face to face instead of forwarding information that someone else came up with might be the way to go.  I might be able to see the handful of friends I actually would like to see.  Or they will be like me and not attend because of all the pre-reunion nonsense.  You see, I'm still on the fence.


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