Sunday, August 11, 2013

Keep at it

I posted my very short piece A Penny to the site.  I held off posting it there after already posting it to the where I received some good feedback, good reviews, and helpful tips on improving it.  I took all I was told and held it in it's upgraded state for a while.  I have a rating of 4 stars out of five on that site.
Then two days ago, I went ahead and posted it to the finestories site.  In those two days someone was looking at it since downloads where ticking upward and I waited as they went over 100 to see if a rating would show up.  No rating.
I tried to bum myself out when I realized that wasn't good.  If you have that number of people that are viewing the piece and there is no rating it is because it isn't good enough to rate.  Shoot.  So much for me thinking that I might have actually scored a 3 out of 5 on that site.  I doubt I'll even get a 2 out of 5 if anyone actually thinks enough of it to rate it - badly.  That is what I was thinking.  It's hard not to think that.
But I am giving myself tremendous props for not letting it actually turn my entire view on writing inside out.  I mean, isn't that what I have managed to do with every piece I've written?  It must take someone with an awfully large portion of intestinal fortitude to be able to stomach the quantity of negative digestion I've allowed.  Either that or I must be rather stupid to not get the message.
So stupid or not, I'm not looking at it that way this time around.  I'm using a little more of that fortitude to keep working at writing.  So maybe they don't care for what I've done.  All I can do is try.  All I can do is say, Okay, that one was not so well received but I know what I learned from doing it and I will go on from there.
There might have even been a few people that thought something of it.  I'll just keep working on the new piece I've started and go from there.  I know what I've done.  I remember what I've learned.  I'm learning more as I go.  I took the chance to put it out there and that takes a bit of courage.  I can only keep trying.


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