Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good nerves

My cookies were delivered yesterday afternoon without a hitch.  I still get that nervous energy whenever someone places an order.  I will carry it through the entire process of finding out what they want, baking, delivering, and even a little afterward.  Yesterday, I delivered cookies for two sisters that wanted to wish their brother a Happy Birthday.  I gave the tin to his wife and I got the best smile back and her saying, "He will be so surprised."  The nervous energy calmed a bit at that point but my imagination took over.
I started to imagine that brother coming home to find out his sisters had sent him cookies.  I thought how he would call them up and  they would have laughing and sweet conversations on his birthday.
It's probably silly for me to think all these things from baking cookies.  But then again,  the delivery I had just before this one was the nine dozen I delivered to four different stations at the hospital.  The woman ordered them for the staff that helped her husband when he had surgery and she wanted to thank them once he had been released and was back home.  I got to stop at each nurse's station and see the surprise and delight on their faces when I passed them the package of cookies and card.
I'm only there an instant, but I get to see something appear on their faces that comes from the inside out.  Not such a bad thing for baking a couple of cookies.


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