Wednesday, August 7, 2013


My alarm went off this morning.  I silenced it while I blinked and then it was an hour later.  I refused to rush.  Or was it that there was no way I could rush.  Why was I so tired?  Is it Thursday?  Friday?  I sat up and threw off the covers.  No, it's Wednesday.  It only feels like it should be Thursday or Friday from all that I have crammed into the past few days.  And I'm not done yet.  So, get up, get ready, get moving.  But no rushing.
I mean, why rush, anyway, if I could?  It seems I have a few more days this week.  It isn't as if I haven't been getting things done.
So before I ran out the door this morning I made myself sit in the kitchen for just a moment.  I allowed myself to sip the only cup of coffee I would have before leaving.  I had nothing in front of me, I wasn't reading, I didn't have pen in hand and I was simply sipping coffee.  The few minutes it took might serve to help the rest of the day when I am in the thick of everything going on.  I can stop and take a moment to recalibrate just how fast I am going.  It will all get done.  But no rushing.  Even if I could.


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