Friday, March 22, 2013

Average stats

I probably shouldn't venture into this particular subject territory but somehow I am feeling particularly good and don't think I could wedge anything negative into it at this particular moment.  I have before and I might be getting a better grip on it or I might be in complete denial but either way it is working for me right now so I'm going with it.
I checked on my behind the scenes dashboard of the site where I had hastily posted a few drafts of short pieces I wrote.  That was about seven months ago.  I had let the amount of downloads (or lack of) and votes and scores (again utterly lacking) play mind games on me back when/then.  How I wished I could have had a better showing.  I still do but this is how it is looking today.
I have a total of 573 downloads for everything and one title that has finally gotten a score...20 votes for a score of 2.66 out of 5.  They don't count the best and worst score you get and average the rest of them and do some kind of weird math but it all comes down to...I've hit mid-ground.  Not devastatingly awful #1 and not great work #5.  Average, middle, live with it. 
And that is where I am.  It could be worse but it is what it is.

Middle isn't awful even if I want to make it out to be.  It could probably be better if these weren't all first drafts but that's just an excuse.  If I want more and better than I am going to have to take the risks of doing more.  I could possibly do worse but would I rather do nothing and stay where I am?  And if I did worse is that so awful if there is the chance I could do so much better?

What a bunch of riddles!  It's just some interesting stats.  And being middle and average isn't as bad as it sounds...for a place to start.


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