Friday, March 15, 2013

Shopping anyone?

I might have to make today a shopping day.  I totaled the numbers of miles I have on my shoes and it's creeping up toward 500.  I didn't need to do the math to figure it out.  I could tell the insides are pretty much pounded down and they are way too old to keep on going.  I knew a new pair would be in order soon.  I think soon is now and with the time I have off today it might be the best time to take a drive out to the running store and give myself a new pair.  I need to get out anyway.
And what better motivation to get going again than a new pair of running shoes?  So a shopping day it will be.  I will take the shoes I have for a last spin before I go out to shop.  Then I should wash my car.  I mean - what better way to zip around town than in my shiny compact with the top down?  To buy new shoes? 
Sounds like a win-win plan.  I wonder if there is anything I need at the electronics store?  Maybe I should check out the boutiques...I could grab a new...


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