Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Clear the way

I've got a mess of paper on my desk.  Actually most of it is organized piles of mess if that counts for anything.  It doesn't.  I still need to go through each messy pile and find out what the heck I thought was so important that I kept it in a pile here on the top of my desk.
Most of it gets thrown out so I'm not sure why I needed to keep it on my desk in the first place.  Most of it is folded pieces of paper where I might have written one or two notes to myself.  They usually contain something I want to remember but can't remember when I read them back to myself by the time I go back to them again, like now. 
So I can immediately dispel at least half of the papers right away.  The manila file containing the writing lessons can be put aside.  The pages of the short story written by a friend can be moved away.  The random notes with random sentences and wordplay can be...trashed?  I don't know what I was going for when I wrote them anymore.  The box of index cards the far right hand corner.  Then I have my Tiffany pen and two mechanical pencils.  Those stay on the desk. 
That leaves me with two pieces of stationery filled back and front with my handwriting.  They stay.  Just a hands reach to the right of my laptop where they shine bright-white against the dark wood of the top of my desk.  It's the summary of my short story.  The outline of chapters, character ideas and general notes of occupations.  They need to stay.  They need to be center point without the surrounding distractions.  I have a few minutes so I'm going to use them.  Clear the desk and find my spot.  It's time to clear the mess of paper on my desk.



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