Friday, December 14, 2012

Sonny holiday

It's Sonny's birthday today!  We have already shopped for the birthday dinner and we will head over to his house to put it all together.  He picked the menu since it is his birthday. That is our custom with birthday's that you get to pick whatever you want to eat.  It's something we have done since both boys were very small.  We have kept the tradition all this time even though the boys aren't really boys any longer but something much more grown up.   We have another set of boys that now fill those slots.
I have already made Sonny's favorite walnut chocolate chip cookies.  They are baked, cooled, packaged and ready to go.  I am experimenting with cake pops.  I baked the cake this morning and will attempt the procedure this afternoon when I get off of work.  Since nobody is expecting them I can leave them at home if they don't turn out but I had to try.  It was just one of those things that got stuck in my head so, fail or success, I had to go forward.  We will see.
And so, this marks the holiday for me.  Sonny's birthday was always the ready or not, here we are.


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