Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays

Christmas Eve - 2012
I have already been to the grocery store and back.  I have a kitchen full of single ingredients that I need to put together.  It's a large range of items from sweet to savory and my mind is already organizing what I should start first to have the best results for tomorrow.  I have a pretty good idea of how to start and how it will go.
It has been a good holiday this year.  The extra time to prepare was well worth it.  There hasn't been any of the rush and hurry from years past and the appreciation of every moment along the way has been more enjoyable.  The comings and goings, the phone conversations about plans, the getting together with everyone, sitting and being together has continually lifted the moods of everyone.  It has been wonderful to hear the laughing and joking and asking on the phone, "is it supposed to be this small amount and how do I know if I put enough?"
I have a house full of single ingredients.  Not all of them are things to eat but there can be no denying that there is something magical about the way it all comes together.


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