Friday, October 24, 2014

Good cookies

The cookie order was saved! My apology email turned the tables and the client wanted to order afterall. There seemed to be a coincidence brewing since Dante (my youngest son) was texting me yesterday after I thought I had lost the order. He was asking if I could bake some cookies he would use as samples at work to try and get a few orders. It was in the midst of our texting when I got the phone call from the missed client and she placed the order. I was able to text him and say that yes, I definitely would be baking, and, by the way, I just rung up an order. We decided it occurred due to some good vibrations.

I did my baking yesterday evening. The customer's order will be delivered this morning and Dante's samples are also ready to go. I think this really seals the deal as far with my updating. I have packaging to order, labels to update, and all those things that happen that doesn't have anything to do with baking a cookie. Even with all that, the cookies still taste really good.


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