Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Big, fat, check

Today is my day. It's seems to be a totally unsuspecting Wednesday. I didn't change my routine a smidgen and yet I managed to put a huge, big, fat, check-mark after something I have been wanting, trying, hoping, to be able to accomplish over the course of decades.

Yes, it was a long-haul. Yes, there were times when things got much worse before they got better. Yes, there were times when it all seemed to hold steady and didn't move downward the way it should. Yes, today it feels like a major item on a bucket list was accomplished.

My debt is zero. All those nagging credits are balanced to zero. How about not having any extraneous payments to make except utilities and such? Okay, yes, there is still one car payment but that is reasonable. It's not even two car payments.  And not even a house payment. Knowing that this would happen today, I kidded the family that I would be broke through the end of the month until I am paid again but that is simply a joke. Funny right? I know I'm smiling. It probably isn't the type of thing that would be on anyone's bucket list but I guess it's always been on mine. And today, I was all over it.  I got it done.

Today is my day.


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