Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cell phone death

My phone died.
All day Monday I tried and tried to charge it up and it pitifully hovered at 4%.  By 3:30 that day, I was on my way to the Sprint store and they opened it up and prodded it with screwdrivers.  They held out the uncovered flesh of one side for my inspection.  "There," he said as he pointed to a small red rectangle.  "Do you see how that doesn't match the pattern on this side?"  He pushed the other half of my diseased cell phone under my nose.  "It's water damaged."
"No!" I denied.  "I didn't get it wet."  I forcefully kept my gaze steady, and refused to let my eyes move from side to side.
The sprint man just held the two open pieces of my phone in each of his hands, making me view the distinct difference in the red rectangle and the patterned one.  There was no denying they were not the same.  I didn't drop it into water, but could it have built up over time?  That phone is in my pocket when I run.  I get sweaty.  I'm not telling him that, I thought.  How do I know the red pattern means I got it wet?  He could be making it up.
"So, what do I need to do to fix it?" I asked.
"Do you have insurance?"
He smirked.  Okay, maybe he didn't.  Maybe I smirked.  He said he would add the insurance for me and then I could get a replacement phone for $100.  
What?  $100 for a used phone?  My mind was going into hyper-drive.  Couldn't I buy a brand new phone for that?  I was well into the 22nd month of a 24 year contract, and due for an upgrade anyway.  
"Thank you.  I'll let you know."
I high-tailed it out of there, and headed to my nearest electronic store.    Once I arrived I was able to get a brand new phone.  It cost me a total of $119.68 including tax, and it's faster and better and rings all kinds of sounds and whistles and beeps, and I've found the settings to shut them all off.  Unfortunately, my old phone died before I was able to transfer my photos and contacts.  They couldn't transfer my data because my old phone finally depleted it's charge and just went black.  I had to let it go. 
So, I have a new phone with all the bells and whistles, that I shut off, but without the data I had before.  I'm staying positive, and I'm sure I will build it up again.  Besides, this new phone has 'dropbox' which allows it to backup those kinds of things on my laptop, in the cloud.
So, I've moved on since that fateful Monday.  I will manage without my numbers and photos.  I will boldly continue on from the day my phone died.

Can you believe it?...this is my 1400 post!


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