Thursday, October 17, 2013

Zero Wednesday

Let's just say that yesterday was a zero.  If I am spending this time recapping my simple, weekly goals from the day before, than I have nothing to report.  I came home from work and I didn't run.  I rationalized it would be a good day to take a break.  I don't want to go full-on this first week and then fall apart and do nothing the next.  It seemed a good enough strategy. I talked myself into thinking it was a good move.
But then I didn't take advantage of that time to go over my story, like I was supposed to, either.  I didn't do anything.  If was a minus Wednesday.  Well, it wasn't exactly minus because it didn't take away anything, but it didn't add either.  I guess if it was a math problem it was subtracting zero from what I already had.
Okay, so I've worked it out that it's fine.  I should still have time after work today to get another 3 miler in before Selma drops off Mr. L so she can attend her accounting class tonight.  That will put me back on track to accomplish my 13 miles for the week and even if I don't run this afternoon, I can do it Friday and finish up Saturday morning.  And then the writing.
Since I didn't actually say I was doing specific writing, it shouldn't be a problem.  I was going to rethink my story - my plot, my characters motivations, and where the story should actually start.  It only comes down to giving what I've already written a little thought and some brainstorming.  So there.  Nothing much to say about yesterday.  Let's move right along to today and see what I can do.  It's Thursday!


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