Monday, July 21, 2014

Stride, pace...gate?

I usually spend some time reading a few forums. I don't get into (or understand) social media, but if there is a running/health/writing blog/site/post that catches my eye, I will spend some time scrolling through what others might have to say.  I came across one the other day where the OP (that stands for original poster-yes, I had to look it up)! was asking for information since they were interested in taking up running.

The helpful bunch of commenters supplied different ideas to get the OP off to a good start. It was information I already knew, but there was one piece of advice about purchasing a pair of running shoes that caught my eye.  It stated exactly...
"Go to a running store so they can analyze your gate."

Wait a minute. Analyze what? Analyze your gate? Do you mean that thing outside I go through that is attached to my fence? How does a gate have anything to do with running? I stared at the word for a second and then thought, GAIT. But then, don't racehorses have a gait? Do people have a gait? I guess there is a running gait which has got to be faster than a snail's pace. Which seems to be the speed I have been running lately. I digress.

So, during the times I read these forums, I am inevitably stopped by the odd word use, grammar stumble, or abbreviated shorthand (things like using OP that I have to look up)! It's become commonplace and really only stops me for a few seconds while my brain tries to catch up with what it really should be. It never stops me for long and I continue to search up things to read.  Then I came across this bit on a writing site that made me smile.

Good ole' Weird Al has set a tune to Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" called "Word Crimes".  He pretty much captures all those missteps I see all over the internet that make me stop for a second and think, Wait! That isn't right. So go ahead and click the link below and enjoy...I did.

"Weird Al" Yankovic- WORD CRIMES



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