Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chance of rain

I thought I heard it rain this morning. Just a quick, light shower but when I looked I didn't see any trace of evidence that it actually happened. It seemed darker than it should have been for the time so I was sure there must have been a passing cloud that actually found it's mark above our house. I couldn't tell for sure.

I woke up late. I thought I might get an extra run in this morning but by the time I rolled out of bed I knew I couldn't get out there in time even for a short one. Then I thought I heard the rain, and thought, oh there, it's raining anyway. But now I'm not sure it did. Rain. And the reinforcement for my late sleeping and lack of running faded slightly. Then again, I am on track and I was supposed to not run this morning anyway. Tomorrow is scheduled, so tomorrow it will be.

As for today, well, it might have rained. Or maybe not. Either way, it was great to hear.


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