Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Health check

I took my health screening at work this morning. It's part our company's corporate wellness program. You go in after fasting 9 hours and they stick a needle into your finger to draw a mosquito's amount of blood. They put it on a square slide and into a small machine. While that is cooking up, they take your blood pressure, height and weight.  Once the small machine is finished it has a digital display of numbers. I guess I passed.  Everything was optimal or near optimal although cholesterol might have been a tad higher than it should be.

The nurse suggested I eat more fiber.  My thought was she had no idea how much fiber I actually eat. Then she suggested I eat nuts.
"Nuts," I asked. "But nuts are very high in fat."
She said, "But good fat."
"It's still fat. I obviously have too much of it if my cholesterol is high."
She said a snack serving every day would be good.
I said the ratio of fat to a serving of nuts was way too high.  I am better off eating my snack of fruit.
Then she said, "But you need to watch the sugar in the fruit."

Why is everything bad for you?  I went away thinking too much about it. I need to cut down on fats but I should eat nuts that are high in fats but watch my intake of fruit because of the natural sugars they contain even though my glucose is optimal. You need to eat so many servings of this and that and if I actually ate those recommended amounts I would weigh more than I should and need to cut back.  On what exactly, I'm not sure. I know I'm not going to be my own guinea pig and eat nuts every day to see if my cholesterol goes down. That doesn't even sound rational. I'm sure if I did experiment with it, I'd end up with some other level out of whack. Wait.

I had my health screening today. Everything on the list turned out optimal or near optimal. Period.


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