Friday, September 7, 2012

Lots to do

Thank goodness for Fridays!  Short week, long week, longishly short all becomes better on a Friday when it's the end of it.  One more day seems so much easier to face than a whole week of work staring you in the face.  Time needing to be accounted for, time filled with priorities that are constantly interrupted by more work and other things that become priority for the moment, and then the time it takes to get back to the original priority.  I'm told that is why they call it work.  I listen and I understand.  It doesn't make it go any faster.  But then I don't want too much momentum to build up that might spill into my free time and weekend.  I don't want that to go too fast.  I want to have every single moment of that free time.  As much as I can.  I've got a lot to do and looking forward to it.
Thank goodness for Fridays!


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