Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Power of Red Sauce

I had a real bad hankering for something yesterday. I wasn't sure what I wanted or what was going on with me. I felt a little off all day but there wasn't any reason for me to be feeling that way. I knew it would blow over. I was just having one of those days.

I had planned on making chicken for dinner. I had taken it out of the freezer early that morning, but when I got home I realized I had time to make some soul food. Yeah. That was what I wanted. I wanted something to soothe my soul and thought of some good old, simmering red sauce. So I put it together.

I had everything I needed so a sweated some onions, a bit of garlic, ground beef and Italian sausage and then tomatoes. Season it up, bring it to boil, then turn it down low.

It was already smelling the way it should and I was already feeling better.

I let it go for a few hours while checking on it every now and then, stirring the pot and scraping the sides, smelling the aroma, and adjusting the spices. It's an entire ritual that brings you to that perfect center. It's a chicken soup for the soul except more personal and heartier. It's my brand of comfort food when something is going on that isn't quite right when nothing is really wrong. It rights those wrongs.

So, I'm feeling so much better and everything is right with me and the world. Homemade red sauce can do that.


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