Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sailing smooth

Look at the list. Check the clock. Glance at the calendar. Where am I. Where should I be. What time is it. I have time. I'm running out of time. It doesn't add up. It could work. Stay focused. Don't think about it. What if I...

Don't think I'm having some kind of attack. Not all of those things have been going through my mind all at once like above. I'm not bombarding myself with all those questions, but I have thought of each one individually over a space of time. Each one, at some time or other, could be good. It's only when they happen all at once that they become frenzied and that hasn't been the case.

In fact, it's been fairly smooth sailing lately. I could have started this off by saying, "It's already July 7th! Where did those days go so quickly." Well, three of those days I was off on a long weekend and the rest, well, were pretty routine. There has been something good about all the last few days in July even if I happened to look at the list, or checked the clock. I mean, we all need to do those things every so often, don't we? It's just part of the routine.


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