Monday, July 13, 2015

Aging theory

I came up with this theory for aging and the whole getting older thing. Let's face it, I'm getting older. I know I'm not the only one but in all reality that has been going on ever since the day I was born.

When I was a child, I couldn't wait to get bigger. As a teenager, it was frustrating to not be old enough to do the things I thought I should be able to do. My body and mind were changing and there was a period of trying to catch up and adjust. There were physical things going on that I had to figure out in my mind. It was a time when society expects certain teenage behaviors.

Now I'm in the last number of my fifties and there is a different set of physical changes and processes that have happened. Society tells me now that I will gain a few pounds and not be able to take them off.  I am to slow down and I will be more tired than before. Be careful, don't overdo or you will hurt yourself. I am surrounded by commentary that wants to pull me down to the couch and stay there like the nice old person I am.

I realized I could be the type of older person that sits around and fulfills all the typical things that are said about someone my age and older. It would be an easy and expected way to behave. But, it didn't feel right. I kept thinking it was as if they were trying to dress me in an itchy coat that I couldn't wait to take off. So, I decided I will do whatever it is I want to do and not let the 'age' factor into it. I might not be as fast while doing it. I might not be able to go as far. Yet. There doesn't seem to be any real reason I can't re-train what I have going for me. I can start at a new point. I can make my own point of reference instead of comparing to whatever I may have done before.

So this theory of mine is I will do whatever I want to do. I might have to adjust physically and mentally to how I am to do it now as opposed to how I did it before but it still can be done. I can decide to keep at it and if I'm not as fast I get a pass since I'm so old.

Maybe one day I might reach that point of sitting around all day talking about how things need to slow down. That isn't now and I don't see it anytime real soon. I don't know why anyone would want to wear that itchy coat.


Anonymous said...

Live the Dream, Not the Lie.

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