Saturday, July 18, 2015

Don't jackrabbit

I did my 5K run this morning. It was just as exciting and fun as I thought it might be. I have to remember it's a good idea to go out and sign up for these official runs every so often since they really do give you a sense to seeing some results to my individual commitment. Also, it's just plain fun to get together at an event.

I ended up 10th in my age category but it covered nine years and this group has a lot of women in my category. I'm not walking away disappointed. If fact, I don't know how I managed an average 10:05 mile and chip time of 31:21. That is a whole lot faster than times I've been running lately. I know I made a major mistake of hauling off like a jackrabbit for the first mile. Everyone knows you don't do that but I did. It was winding down about the time I was feeling the effects of starting too fast but by that time I was done. That's a good thing about short races. They're over. And I ended up with a pace I haven't seen in a long time. Encouraging to say the least but it really says a lot more.


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