Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ho hum

I forgot it was Fat Tuesday yesterday until someone asked me if I had had any King Cake that was in the breakroom.  No, I hadn't.  I saw it there later when I went to retrieve coffee.  I wasn't interested.  Or rather I just blurred it out with the many other things that I seem to be glossing over.  Oh, look, yeah, hmm.
I want to shake myself sometimes and say, "Wake up already!" What am I waiting for and why am I coasting along.  When did I become another member of the walking dead?  Okay, maybe that was a little extreme.  I'm a little mad at myself but can't seem to get the day to day on track.  Any track.  I'm completely out of my regular routine and I can't seem to give enough thought to finding a new one.
So I need to make up my mind to just make up my mind.  Taking a break, giving it a rest, trying to recoup is all well and good as long as that is not the only thing I'm doing.  And why?  And why now?  And why still?
Maybe just raising the question is a start down the right track.  I know this track sure isn't working but it's the easy one.  Maybe I need to get a little more mad at myself to change it.


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