Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tessa at work

They say timing is everything.

Jay seems to have an incredible sense of timing.  He cut out this cartoon from the newspaper and showed it to me this morning.

I took it and looked at it and read it.  Go ahead, take a look at it. 

Pretty incredible he would find this and then think of me.  I asked him what he made of it?  He started to mumble something I couldn't get him to repeat. 

Don't get any ideas.  I haven't exactly started chopping firewood and I haven't taken up smoking cigarettes.  The dog won't come into the room but she will curl up at the top of the stairs when I am in here.
Now the picture above is my actual desk.  It faces the windows just like in the cartoon.  I sit in the chair much like the wood chopping novelist and although there aren't cords of wood littering the room I am still struggling with the novel as the rain pours down.
This is just a little uncanny.  Did this cartoonist take a peek into my room?  Did he know I have been filling up time with other duties instead of working through the revisions I keep thinking about?  Should I take up smoking? 

What did Jay say when I asked him what he made of it?

Wait a minute.  I'm a cartoon character.


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