Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Deflated balloons

Hey everyone.  It's mid-month already!  The first month of 2013 and we have arrived at the mid-marker.  How are those resolutions going?  How are those things that we pledged we would do and improve and stick with coming along?  It's easy for me to say those things since I didn't pledge or promise or say I would stick with anything.  I've done that before. 
I'm not doing that this year.  The problem I have with pledges and promises isn't that I make them and stick to them meticulously to get them done.  Oh no.  My problem is that I suck all the joy I could possibly get out of those things until they lie lifeless at my feet, like a deflated balloon, gasping for it's last breath.  Yeah, I know, balloons don't gasp for breath but you get the idea.  I make so many rules about how I will get through my own pledge and raise the bar continuously higher it becomes a lesson in frustration.  It gets to the point that no matter how very well I do...It never is good enough.
So my pledge, my promise, my resolve this year is not to stop the things I want to happen.  No.  You heard right.  I'm not walking away from any of the things I would like to achieve.  Not at all.  The difference is that I will not push myself around about them.  The highest goal I have is to work on all my resolves but to reap the highest amount of happiness and fulfillment out of them.  To realize the achievements as I make them and not dilute them down because they have just been upped by my mere achievement of them and that I have set a new goal in place that I haven't met yet. 
I don't know what is making me so thoughtful this morning.  Excuse me.  I have some balloons at my feel I need to resuscitate.


Anonymous said...

Great Thoughts, Tessa the motivational writer!....excerpts from the latest novel...

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