Sunday, January 6, 2013

Check that off the list

I am happy to report that I was so very well organized yesterday!  I am hoping it will spill over into today and I can continue this momentum of getting things done. 
I was able to take down the Christmas tree and package it all up to be stored away.  That alone was an undertaking considering I needed to put each individual ornament back into it's specific box.  I had decided a few years ago that I would go ahead and use my collection of yearly dated ornaments to decorate the tree.  I have purchased a Christmas ornament every year since 1979 (some years I bought two) and I always told the boys that when they grew up and moved out I would use the collection to decorate the tree.  Who knew that what I said back then would come true.  It did and I have been using the collection of over 33 dated ornaments to fill the branches.
So it can take a while to remove each individual ornament off a branch, place it into it's original box, and store it up.  But it's done!
The cleaning up of the tile floors downstairs was another story and a lot of work.  The cold rains we recently experienced permitted the dog to trace muddy footprints all over the floor.  It took a while to sweep up and mop but I can report that there are no longer any evidence of the infraction.  Luckily for the dog (and Jay) that the case against them has been dropped.
I then had to venture out and purchase a new bathroom scale.  It wasn't because of the new year or anything like that.  I have always had a scale and unfortunately the one I have had the past few years finally decided it couldn't stand me standing on it anymore.  It gave out.  Couldn't take the pressure, I guess.
I had to make two stops to find one.  I thought the local sports store would have one.  I walked in and asked the salesgirl up front where they might be.  She said in the camping department.  Camping? Scale?  I didn't think that made sense but I walked over to those aisles.  I kept thinking what kind of logic was used to put a bathroom scale in the camping area with sleeping bags and lanterns.  I didn't see any scales in the four aisles devoted to outdoor living so I asked another salesperson.  They looked at me like I lost my mind and I do on occasion but I think I was pretty sane at that moment.  Bathroom scales?  No...don't carry them.
I then checked the local Walmart and found one for $14.95, price dropped, of course, from $17.97.  I grabbed it up, paid and brought it home.  The only problem I can see with it so far is that I gained 3 pounds from the old scale to the new.  I guess it might have a correlation to the price drop.  I mean, I couldn't have gained 3 pounds, could I?  Don't answer that so quickly.
Things are going rather smoothly this weekend.  The temps are supposed to give me a break and climb to a mere 60.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  At least I can see the sky again instead of accumulated cloud cover and the sun might decide it misses it long lost friend - ME - and come out.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  Always good to hear from a friend.  But now I'm off to get a few more things done.


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