Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'll run

Sunrise is at 6:57 am this morning.  I have a few moments.  It's still pitch dark from my window.  If I look out and up hard enough I can see that it is already turning a lighter shade of blue.  I've only heard one night bird cooing earlier and it is silent now.  It won't be long before there is some real light breaking through.  I'll gear up and have a run.
I'll run this morning because it's an opportunity for me to do so outdoors.  It's August and the heat climbs high and fast.  I'll run this morning because it's quiet.  The neighborhood isn't awake yet.  I get to see it rub it's eyes and stretch.  I get to catch it retrieving it's morning newspaper in bathrobes and coffee mugs.  I'll run this morning because it's my time and it doesn't impose on anyone else.  I'll run this morning because I want to run and it's the perfect time.


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