Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still sore?

I started running again this past Saturday morning after waiting since May 24 to allow my poor, torn Achilles tendon to heal. The podiatrist had said I should not run or do any walking on it for two weeks. It was the only way it could possibly get back to normal. I knew it would take me longer. Let's face it - I'm old. Those types of things take longer for me than they used to. So I suspected going into this that it would take at least three weeks. I waited.
I must say I waited fairly patiently. Oh, okay! There were a few times that all I wanted to do was get up and run. Oh, okay! Maybe there were more than a few times, whose counting? Then when I didn’t want to run when I shouldn't I was thinking it might be getting better. Then I would think, I still feel it, it must not be getting better. Then I would think do I feel it? Does it feel the same as before or better, or just different. I had too much time to just think about it. Can you tell? But then, it's not much different from any other time about anything else. I always think too much about whatever it might be.
Anyway! So then it was almost four weeks and I knew there was still something going on but I had gone way past what the doctor had told me to wait and it was a weekend. It was early on a weekend. Nothing cries out for a run stronger than that to me so I decided I would try and run 2 miles and walk a bit.
You know what’s coming here and if you don’t you haven’t been reading much of my stuff. So in either case I will tell you I jogged 4 miles and than walked an additional mile to cool down and stretch out the muscle in the heel. I know. I turned my 2 miles into a total of 5. Then I got paranoid and immediately took an ibuprofen and iced my foot. Somehow I must have really been ready to get back because the next day I didn’t have any annoyances or twinges in my foot at all! It must have actually gotten better.
I know I need to keep it going slowly but it’s a start and now I get to start again. Yes. I woke up the next day and the heel felt great!
Now I am only dealing with the soreness in my leg muscles from not running for a month. Go figure.


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