Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Notice anything?

Have you noticed these posts are coming more regularly lately?  I had made a rule for myself when I hit 365 posts in exactly one year that I would hold up on the blogging to use that time writing on my bit of fiction.  I went for a good while without posts and unfortunately, also without writing.  It kind of worked but not really.  Okay.  It didn't work the way I thought it would.
Here's what I've figured out.  Anything and everything can stop me from writing my book if I let it.  It can be this blog, it can be my running, it can be my reading...It can be anything and everything that I let stop me.  But it works the other way around, too.  Nothing can stop me from writing if that is what I decide to do.  Somehow, things fit in and the more I do the more I find myself doing.
There is no such thing as a perfect time to write.  The perfect time is 15 minutes here or 2 hours there or all day long, whatever is available.  Waiting on time to write will turn into exactly that...waiting.  If I start writing with only 10 minutes, I sometimes start something I am more than anxious to start up again than if I never used those 10 minutes.  It gives me a great going back-to point.  I am having to pull myself away from writing to make time for the things that kept getting in my way of writing before.  It is amazing how those things still get done, except now I am also writing.  And that few minutes needs to be used every day.  Some days a few minutes can turn into two hours before I know it.   
So stopping my posts to free time to write?  It didn't work the way I thought it would.
Now I am not only writing on my fiction, but also racking up words on my posts.  So did you notice there had been more entries here lately?  It's because there has also been more words there on my fiction.  I'm not even breaking my own matter if it worked or not.  Something seems to be working right now. 


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