Friday, June 4, 2010

No complaints

I didn't give my laptop a sideways glance last evening.  I don't think it had anything to do with anything except that I just never got myself upstairs.  Truth be told, I could have used a run.  You know...late in a harried week of work, almost at the end, but could use the advantage of a go-to stress reliever.  
I am not allowed to complain about the problem with my heel tendon that has me sidelined for two weeks.  I was told I had gone on about it enough.  So no complaints but it's been a while since my last run.  It hasn't been since this past Monday, but the Monday even before (5/24) since I've run - that's 10 days.  I know, I guess typically that doesn't sound like such a long period of time.  But that week of 5/24 I had already put in 11 miles (in two days).  Then just for fun I went back to my past schedule (which I have been avoiding this entire time) to see what my weekly averages at the time were.  Would you believe my totals for the most recent previous weeks were:  28.25 miles, 29.48, 23.05 and 24.01?  I don't believe it so how do I expect anyone else to believe it.
I was in the middle of week 9 of a 12 week training program, I was hovering between 2nd and 3rd place in a running challenge and I was working on a goal with a 6/22 deadline.  I think I had good reason to avoid my site that contained all of those stats.  I don't know that it made me feel any better.  I can go and back out of all of those things.  It is as easy as a click of an option to take myself out, but maybe I'll just avoid looking for now and then see how it goes.
Some kind people have suggested I do some cross training, strength training, which I am allowed to do.  It would be nice if I had a buddy to go with me but that won't happen so I will have to think about that a little more.
And how is the tendon?  I don't know.  I am still feeling it so it can't be right yet.  I will have to wait it out some more and hopefully give my laptop more than sideways glances.


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