Saturday, September 6, 2014


No. I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Obviously.

I haven't fallen ON the face of the earth either, which is a good thing. I only did that extensively when I bought the wrong running shoes. I swear it was the shoes. I fell four, maybe even five times, while running from the time I bought that particular pair until I finally gave them up and went back to a more reliable shoe. I should have never purchased that pair no matter how they were designed to help me run faster by having a forward toe touch. It's pretty hard to keep a faster pace when you're kissing dirt. I don't think I've fallen since. It was the shoes.

Lately, I have been very consistent with my running. In the past three months, I've managed 73 miles, 83 miles and 89 miles. My total for the year is already more than I ran the entire last year by 76 miles. It breaks down something like: 112 runs, 10:34 average pace, over 82 hours and 41,847 calories. Those things are all good to know but it could all fall apart tomorrow if I don't keep up the consistency. So far, so good.

So, no. I haven't taken a spill ON earth or fallen off the planet. I know a few old friends that would argue that point, but hey, I'm still here. Maybe they fell off.


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