Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Plenty to do

Somehow I've landed in the middle of the week not knowing exactly how I arrived so quickly. I've been doing and doing and it seems to have used up some time between then and now at a rapid pace.

I'm good. Rested. I'm ready to start up again. There is a multitude of ideas for things I need to do. If I could only figure out a way to harness the ideas into a comprehensive list or plan. If I could only sort through the priorities and tackle each one in order of importance. They all come at me at full force in the mornings and dwindle to forgotten memories by the afternoon. Or maybe I am the one that dwindles and the tasks linger and hover until the next morning when I can regroup and organize and take them on again.

I've got plenty to do. That's a good thing.


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