Friday, July 21, 2017

It could

I couldn't be more rested. I couldn't eat another bite.

We go in circles with the things we say we can't be more of. Of course, I will get up again and be exhausted after a full scale project of this and that. I will get hungry again by the time I get the kitchen back in order and have a well stocked fridge and pantry. Even the act of buying the supplies and creating a menu can have an effect on the resting part before a bite is ever taken.

I couldn't is used for much more than resting and eating. Those are the simple words that no one takes seriously. It's when I couldn't is used in our own minds to hold ourselves back is when it can be a tricky situation. Just as easily as we believe the words I couldn't there should be the same ease we accept the words I could.

It could all go around in circles for a while but if we conscientiously remove the contraction it could make a world of difference.

Couldn't it?


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