Saturday, July 1, 2017

The outlook is good

There are a million reasons to stay positive. You don't realize how much better you feel when you figure out there is more to be grateful for than you realize. You could list the positive effects of being positive if that is how you would like to spend your time. There really are a multitude of good things that happen when you forego the whoa-is-me attitude or the why does everything turn out wrong or sideways way of thinking. It doesn't cost you anything to give it a try.

A few of these multitudes are: good feelings, more relaxed, more resilient, less envious, less illness, improved sleep, increased energy. The list goes on. I'm sure I could find all kinds of bad things if I were to look in the opposite direction but who wants to do that? I don't need that type of thinking and it seems even if I took half of the good things listed it would still be a really good thing.

Maybe I have always been that type of person that would rather be positive. I know it doesn't happen all the time but lately it seems to have become more of something I do or try to do more often. It sure makes things more pleasant and who doesn't want that?


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