Saturday, January 16, 2016

Knocked Out

It was a rousing game of Robot Champions. Mr. L came to life slugging it out with bigger, shinier robots than his mismatched, patched together blue bot. It didn't stop him from stepping up and punching away until it was declared a K.O! The shiny guy fell and one dull robot arm shot straight up in the air as it was announced, "You Win!"

The video game he played on my tablet was fun. I pushed a couple of buttons myself to help along on one game. He would get so excited when he won and thoroughly trashed when the other robot got him. It was more fun to watch him than the game but isn't that the case for everything and everyone? At least, I would rather watch the person.

It wasn't the only thing we did last night. There was plenty of playing catch. For some reason the small stuffed Snoopy dog does well for -on the bed throw to each other- games. You get to cheer when someone actually catches it. It adds to the excitement and it has almost the same effect as that video voice announcing,You Win!

Roast beef sandwiches, potatoes, fruit snacks, doritos, and cranberry juice were interspersed throughout the evening. You have to keep your energy level up for all the activities. That is until you just can't hold out any longer and the blankie is brought out and the eyes get heavy. That's when I grab my book and it isn't much longer until Dad and Mom show up to gather the sleeping champion home.

How was your Friday night?


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