Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Get out of jail free

If I had one bad day last week it only lasted that one day. It is already gone and forgotten as far as a measure for anything that has currently been happening. It was merely a bad habit recognized and then past over. It was nothing more than losing one turn as the game played on. And the game is still on.

The great things about old habits when you are truly making the effort to stop them, is that you can recognize them for what they are. Oh, look, a bad habit. I know what happens when I join that circle, I'll make another choice instead. It takes some practice because it is easy to join in to something you've been doing all along. That pattern is too recognizable and comfortable. Sure, you don't particularly like the results but it's easy. You fall into the same groove that you've walked over and over so many times you don't realize it's a rut you've created. And, hey, wake up, you don't like that rut. The only way to get out is to make an effort to jump out. You'll have to remind yourself you are getting caught up in the old rut and stop as soon as you realize it. Then the hard part. Do it differently. Don't cling to the pattern that is recognizable and comfortable. Immediately, pull out your get out of jail free card. Because that what it is. It's jail. That old familiar habit is jail when you know the results of doing it is bringing you down.

You will soon realize you have a never ending supply of those free cards once you start using them. You just need to recognize when to pull them out.


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