Saturday, January 30, 2016

Good balances

I made a list. I checked it at least twice. I did a couple of things that were on the list and then started another from the things I didn't. I juggled money from one account to another, I paid a couple of bills, I spent the smallest amount of money yesterday and still have some plans for spending more today that fits within all the parameters I've set. It sounds like I have some solid plans, lists, and ways to get my weekend going to be more productive.

It helped to have yesterday off from work. I actually felt, for once in a long time, I was able to balance the work with the leisure. A doctor's appointment in the morning, a short break, and then to the gym for almost an hour and a half and 8 miles on the treadmill. When I was done I refilled my water bottle and a man asked how long I had gone. When I told him eight miles, he replied, "I can't walk 8 miles." I wanted to tell him he could. You work up to it, but I refrained. I didn't think he was all that interested in hearing work-out suggestions. I didn't think anyone had noticed me on the machine but I won't feel bad about using it since there were plenty machines that were open to use.

I'm just about ready to head out to the gym again. I'll get it done early and start up the other things I have in mind to do today. I think it will turn out to be another nice balance. I'm zooming through a couple of books I've been reading and I have some new yarn to crochet for some downtime while still doing something. I even have thoughts for tonight's dinner. Remind me to take the fish out of the fridge or, never mind,  I can put in on my list.


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