Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bad weather

It was freezing all day at work. I wasn't the only one feeling that the heat might have been left off and everyone around me continued to wear their jackets as they worked. The weather outside went from cold to colder, and then it started raining, to make matters worse. Damp, cold, and rainy. Winter has me surrounded.

I made the decision I would have to pack myself off to the gym for every run for the next month or months until this weather passed. I couldn't depend on getting myself outside when the afternoon might prove a little warmer. I've tried a couple of times and although the temperatures might have been mild, the wind coming at me is chilling and snot running out my nose isn't desirable. I think I might need to throw away a couple of long-sleeved shirts due to the amount of grossness on the wrists from constant wiping.

I skipped a run yesterday just because of the weather. I ate just because of the weather. I huddled in my room and acting like it was some sort of rebellion against nature. I was fully committed to being bad and rage against something that is utterly ridiculous, beyond my control, and is routine for this time of year.

I'm better now. I will let whatever silliness I played out yesterday stay in the past. Move along. One run missed will not throw everything out of kilter and I can go back to my plan. If I need to go to the gym, I will. That is why a treadmill was invented and the entire $10.83 a month I pay is well invested considering they store, upgrade, and have it available to me anytime I need to use it.

They keep it inside were I don't have to worry about headwinds or whether or not I can keep my long-sleeved running shirts.


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