Sunday, January 3, 2016

Let's learn

We've counted down, looked to the past, figured out the new and there is no stopping what we can get done. We are bounding toward that next great resolution, the illusive goal, that thing we need to reach that will give us our sense of pride, accomplishment, and confidence.

Hold up. That seems like a lot of pressure. Maybe we can ease down the throttle of impending doom that will spring out of this heightened sense of go out and conquer. Let's scale back the enthusiasm for all the resolutions, the goals, and all those things out there we reach for, so we can think about them in a more realistic way. What if we trim off the jittery energy, that is sure to fizzle and burn off quickly, and replace it with the pride, accomplishment, and confidence we already possess.

Yes. There are things we want to get done. I agree. But we need to approach them from the direction of learning. It's not do or die. It's not fight or flee. It isn't succeed or fail. Eliminate the idea of failing completely. If you fail, you stop. That's it. Kaput. No more. Bring on the sorrow, the mourners, the dashed dreams that will never be realized.

Step out of the stigma of failing and into the idea of what you can learn about reaching the ultimate end. Every time you try, you learn something you can apply to make the choices on how to proceed. It builds you up. It adds more to what you know and experience. It keeps you going even when mistakes are made because you can learn from those mistakes. I remind myself of what I've already laid out:
  • Try with real intent
  • Make a true effort
  • Stay in the now, the past comes soon enough
  • Don't worry about the future, it will happen anyway
Learn a little along the way and live a lot. It's not win or lose. It's all good.


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