Friday, May 20, 2016

Week of Change

I started out this week with the idea to make some afternoon changes in my routine from Monday through Friday. I wanted to break out of a rut and routine that was unproductive, uninspiring, and making me less than happy with how I was spending my time between work and free time.

My main objective was to make a conscience effort to do something different than what I was currently doing. I wanted to change it up but knew if I tried to do anything too drastic, too soon, it wouldn't work.

I decided to pick a couple of things I could do in that time frame and set up simple goals for the entire week. I knew what it would calculate to each day but didn't it necessarily mean anything if I did less one day or the other. It was about doing something other than what I was currently doing.

So, here it is Friday after I started and I can take a look at the overall outcome. One of the goals I set up wasn't touched at all. I could say it was an epic fail. I could shrug and say I might as well give up. I could, but I did work on the other goal. I can't say I met the entire goal which could be another fail but that really wasn't the objective of this entire experiment. It really wasn't a fail since I'm not having that feeling of being in that unproductive rut after these few days. I have more work to do on this and these goals but for a first time try, I did pretty well.

I will say it hasn't been easy. I could easily go back to that old routine but this idea of making me think to do something else has made a difference. I have a little more to show for my time. I feel a little better about how it was spent. That was the objective of this week and although I didn't touch one goal and was just under reaching the other it proved to work. It's going to take a little more to keep it up but it's baby steps, and not talking about epic fails, but keeping the true objective in mind. Take it slow and steady. Round one done. Let's keep at it.


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