Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stall tactics

My back is starting to ache and my foot went to sleep. I can feel those pins and needles sticking furiously into the mid portions at my arch. I shouldn't be sitting that way. I unravel the leg I tucked under me and the jabbing becomes more acute. Dang. How can blood trying to circulate to its proper spots hurt so much. You would think the pain would happen when the blood was cut off not when it's flowing back to the parts it should be in the first place.

It's my own fault. If I wasn't sitting in front of this laptop wasting time, I wouldn't be experiencing these mild annoyances. I deserved them for procrastinating. Yes. That's what I get for sitting in front of the laptop, perusing sites and articles that I knew were redundant to information I've already gathered. Sitting while the sound of the washer whirred and bounced the load of laundry. I allowed myself to believe I was waiting for it to finish. Why else would I have a reason to sit and waste time instead of actually doing the work I intended and should have been doing?

But that explains the physical pain. Nothing hurt while I sat wasting away the time. The moment I adjusted myself correctly the pain started. I was oblivious to my time wasting endeavor, thinking there was no harm done until the realization of the consequences after the fact. I used up my allotted time not focusing on my intended subject. Ouch. That hurts like an aching back.

So it was another mission accomplished if I was going for one more procrastination session.


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