Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sleep planning

I am so glad it's Saturday. It isn't even because the past week was hard. If anything, the week went rather well and everything was just fine. I guess that only enhances the fact that since today is Saturday, I have that week behind me, and I have my own options to consider.

I let myself laze in bed a moment longer than usual while I mull over some immediate ideas to get started. You know that brief time when you are half awake and still in bed that your mind takes you away. I somehow manage to get some brief planning done in that space of time. I go through the ideas of I'll get up, do this and then start that. I should have this done by such-in-such and then, oh yeah, I need to do that, too. I'll fit it in during this time. Before I know it, I'm up and making coffee which is the only real and routine way I start every day. Doesn't everyone?

So my Saturday is off and running before my feet even hit the floor. Now that I am actually conscience and not in a half-sleep I can sort through my wanna-get-dones. And here you go. I can already check one item off the list...I put this up. My method works.


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