Thursday, October 19, 2017

Making Order


No. I haven't. Not a paragraph, sentence, phrase. Not a word.

It's okay. It's still all in my head. There are revisions and edits and some new ideas that are barely beginning to bump around in my mind. It gets past over for all the other major changes that have crept up and managed to use all my time. There have been so many this year. Changes.

This could be some of the biggest shifts I can ever think of happening. Well, I guess there could always be more and larger adjustments but it sure seems as if there were so many this year. There were enough to throw me off, shake me up, and use the majority of my time figuring out.

It's not all figured out completely but at least at this point it's all good. It was from the start but I had to feel like everything was at least in some type of order before it felt like it was all good. It's there. It sure took a long time or at least much longer than I would have predicted.

And the writing.

Let's begin.


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