Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Make Time Now

There are times it feels as if so much is stretched out in front of you. You want to arrive but there is so much to cover before you get to that place you are trying to see in the distance. It can be as simple as moving toward a weekend. The hurdles of the everyday, mundane are stacked and arranged to block you from that Friday afternoon quitting time bell. It's all you think about as you trudge your way through all the obstacles and wait counting down the hours.

Stop counting. Stop looking so far ahead. Where are you now and what else can you do to make that mundane more than it's been in the past. If you are feeling that everything is so far out of reach it's time to start making time work of us now. Not that distance future we keep imagining because there is no proof it will be as we imagined when we get there. It's especially true if you can't think about what you are doing now. Give it more thought. Stay with the now and when those overwhelming feelings of wanting to live in the future start to creep in, think of how to be grateful and make the moments of now work.

It's about right now and making what you have and do count. It's not about counting the hours away for an unforeseen imaginary future. It may seem to be better but the time to live is now.


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