Friday, July 8, 2016

Plotter or Pantser

Where do you start?

It's usually with a blank page. It might be an open word document or a clean sheet of paper. You can do this electronically or grab a pencil or pen and use those fingers and hands to grip or type. The method doesn't matter. It's all a matter of what resources you have at the moment. I've tried both, all, and variations.

I think the key is to start and don't worry about the methods. It should be about the idea of filling the blank clean page with ideas. Can you do that? Can you get down some type of idea that formed from nothing. Can you take those few words that were scribbled or typed down into a first sentence and make them into something more. 

That's the easy part because from then on it only gets more difficult. Are you a pantser or plotter? Believe it or not these are real and true writing methods. How you proceed puts you into one of these categories. If you take the time to outline, and plot and fill in all the blanks of where a story might go you are a Plotter. It should not be confused with someone who writes a story by the seat of their pants. That would be a Pantser. A writer that just dives right in and tries to see where it will go. A good many successful writers do it one or the other way.

I'm not that good to land on either side of this fence. I've started out both ways. I've planned and wrote and also did some pantsering on others. So far I only have some pretty rough drafts no matter which method I used. But I have them and that is the way it starts. It could be worse. I could still have a blank page.


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