Thursday, May 14, 2015

Middle, end

I think I'm becoming aware that we are close to the middle of the month already. I'm not sure that is supposed to make any difference in the scheme of things. It shouldn't make any difference in any negative connotation but I can't help but think, 'oh my, already', as if it sped along when it didn't.

It does mean it is closer to the two days I will take off from work after the Memorial Day holiday. Let's stretch that three day weekend into a five day holiday. I'm already looking forward to that as if I had any plans except to hang around the house and do whatever I want. It's that whole stay-cation idea. I certainly have enough to keep me busy right here at home and look forward to that. But then that would mean it's closer to the end of the month. I wonder if that should make any difference.


Anonymous said...

better get your 60 in, and stop talking nonsense!

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