Sunday, April 8, 2012


I am not going to hold out about what the 1000 is all about for effect.  I am not going to say who would have thought or what can I say.  I won't say that if someone had told me way back in 2010 that this would happen I never would have believed it for a single moment.  So since I am not going to build this up and make it more than it is... than this is it...  1000 Posts. 
I have to say that I know myself fairly well and I know I would have argued this point back when I started and thought how utterly ridiculous and impossible this would be.  I would have laughed and waved my hand in a dismissive way to indicate how far fetched I thought getting here would be.  It would have been such a crazy notion, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.  And truthfully, until just a few days ago, I don't think I believed it was even close to really happening. I certainly wasn't watching for it and then when I happened to glance at what it displayed I couldn't argue any more, I couldn't wave it away.  I was looking right at the numbers and even as bad as I am with math, even I can calculate these simple numbers.  Besides, it was staring me right in the face already totaled up.
None of it really means anything.  It's not earth shattering.  It isn't anything that will help anyone.  It's more a curiosity and an, 'oh, look at that', type of thing and then forget about it except that it's there.  It's real.  I didn't make it up and it wouldn't have gotten there if I hadn't been behind it all.
 I guess it's no big deal since as soon as I publish this it will be done and I'll go on to another and the inner odometer will click over to a new number.  But it seems unbelievable to me.  The one that would have argued that it couldn't, wouldn't possibly happen as I invisibly try to wipe it away with a wave of my hand.
1000 posts?  Really?
Who would have thought?  What can I say?


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